Our Aim

Our aim is very simple. We want to bring a healthy and happy mind to as many of you as we can reach. We work to make Mindfulness a way of life for you to help you get better, stay well or enrich your life.

We are experts in delivering authentic and life changing Mindfulness courses to the public and have delivered Mindfulness sessions to thousands of people across Scotland and the UK.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is being aware of what's happening in the present moment both within your body and around you. Living in the moment is widely understood to help you develop peace of mind and true happiness and Mindfulness can help you be present.

As we become more aware of our thoughts, feelings and emotions we start to see more clearly what makes us happy and what causes us to be sad or stressed. We begin to notice what we can do to help ourselves create peace of mind and well-being both for ourselves and those around us.

Real Mindfulness is a lifelong journey which requires guidance and a lot of practice.

We provide expert training to help you on that journey, whether you're taking your first steps or are already on your way. We offer the tools which will develop your practice to help you move along the path. Please see below for details of our courses.

Our Mindfulness Courses

Gentle tuition in the simple but scientifically proven tools of mindfulness